
Thursday 17 January 2019

Activity 1: Night Owls

Here in New Zealand we have many amazing and unique sea creatures, including penguins. The blue penguin, or kororā, is particularly special because it is the smallest penguin in the entire world! Blue penguins are typically found on the east coast of the South Island in places like Oamaru but they can be hard to spot as they rarely leave the water. If they do come onto land it is usually at night, when most of us are sound asleep! That’s because they are nocturnal. Not all of us, however, sleep all night. In fact, some people love to stay awake late into the evening. People who like to stay up late are called ‘night owls.’ Are you a night owl or are you an early riser, like me? I typically wake up every day around 6:00 a.m. and jump out of bed, ready to start the day!
On your blog, tell us whether you are a night owl or an early riser. Then, tell us about the rest of your family. Are they the same as you? .

I'm an early riser because I just fall asleep if I try to stay awake for too long, My brother Thomas is somewhat in between because he sleeps late but wakes up early, my Mum and Dad sleep late and wake up late and my brother Daniel is in between like Thomas.


  1. Greetings Alex,

    It is interesting to find out how everyone in your family has their own pattern of sleep! Surprisingly enough, all of my family members are night owls. My mum somehow manages to wake up early even after a long night which surprises me all the time. I need my 6-8 hours of sleep to be alive and awake the next day.

    What do you usually do when you're the first one up in the morning? Do you sometimes cook breakfast for the family? What is your favourite food to have for breakfast?

    Take care,

  2. Hi again Alex,

    Well done for completing this activity. I finished this activity too. It's great to see you completing these activities during these summer holidays. Thanks for sharing your learning about this activity. Did you enjoy doing this task? Why? I am pretty sure that my parents are early risers too. Me and my siblings are night owls I think. I enjoyed doing this activity, because we got to share our ideas about our family members too.



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