
Friday 15 March 2019

DARE Impact Message

This term, our focus for inquiry is DARE. It is a program that allows children to learn the dangers, and consequences of drug and alcohol use. Yesterday, Constable Cyrus came into our class to give us extra information about the use of them. We want to give a big thanks to Constable Cyrus for going out of his way to help us. This week, our challenge to alert others about these dangers was to create a DLO that showed what could potentially happen as a result of using drugs or alcohol. For this task, I worked with Jack and Julian, and we created a poster warning people about the dangers of drunk driving. On our DLO's we needed a strong message that would persuade people to think twice about driving drunk or using drugs. Our message was "Don't be like this guy, make a choice... Make the right choice..." We thought this was a strong message, and would work well.

Stretching Sentences

This week for writing our task was to create a DLO on stretching sentences, which we'd been practising doing. To stretch a sentence you need to start off with a simple sentence and in the following versions of that sentence add in Who, What, When, Where, Why and How things are happening/happening to.

Kiwi Sport

This week in kiwi sport LS2 were able to play a real game of Ki O Rahi, for it there were two teams- Taniwha and Kioma. Taniwha stood in the lake and tried to throw the ball at the Ki (Which was the barrel in the centre) whilst the Kioma team had two guardians whose jobs were to stop the ball from hitting the Ki. If the Kioma guardians caught the ball they could then throw it to their teammates who stood on the outside so they could try to score points. For every Pou pole that they touched with the ball, one more point would be added to the ball, to receive the amount of points they stacked up, Kioma needed to make it to the island in the middle.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Manaiakalani Ambassador Event

Yesterday was the first Manaiakalani ambassador event of the year which was held in the Panmure Boating and Yachting Club. Although some of the Manaiakalani cluster schools didn't attend, some of the ones that did were Tamaki Primary, Tamaki College, Saint Patrick's School and Glen Brae. In my presentation I talked about the values of Panmure Bridge School and how we (the students) can show them inside and outside of the classroom. Since I was one of the last to present, I was able to see many of the other ambassador's presentations, which were all amazing and about different topics.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Oakley Creek

Today in reading our task was to first read a story about a girl who lies to her mum and sneaks off to a creek with her friends, in the end she gets caught and her teacher (who helped her mum find her) tells her that she's lucky to have a mum that'd go looking for her. Before she leaves the house and goes with her friends she's faced with a dilemma, which is a difficult choice between two or more options that you don't really want to happen. Faith (the main character) also feels guilty after she lies to her mum and when she gets caught. After that we were asked to draw guilt and a dilemma on whiteboards because they are two things that the main character felt/had. (The top photo represents a dilemma and the bottom shows guilt)

Monday 11 March 2019

Fair Trade Chocolate

Last week's task for reading for my group (Rakino) was to first read a story called Fair Chocolate. In this story, we learnt about what a fair trade company is, how the fair trade chocolate company gets their cacao beans, and how the chocolate companies can help the cacao farmers live better. After we'd read the story we then needed to have a learning conversation with each other on different questions regarding the story and things in it. The next thing we needed to do was create a DLO about what fair trade companies are.

Self/Buddy Writing Evaluation

Last week’s task for writing was to get our writing sample and edit it with a partner, I worked with Jack and we both marked ours and each other’s writing samples. I liked marking my work because I showed me what I needed to work on and what I was doing well with. I think I do well with organising my paragraphs, structuring my sentences, finding interesting ideas and experimenting with different punctuation. Since the topic for the writing test was Caring For Planet Earth and everyone else chose to write their samples on plastic or plastic bags I chose to write mine on Greenhouse Gases. The different grades we could get are R1 to R6 or R7 for different writing features.

Sentence Structure
Structure and Language
R5 - R6
R5 - R6

I think I did well with organisation, sentence structure, ideas and punctuation because I don’t usually use much punctuation aside from full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks. I think I did well with the sentence structure because I made sure to use simple, compound and complex sentences. I used an original idea because while everyone else wrote their explanations on plastic or plastic bags, I wrote mine on greenhouse gases since the topic was pollution.

I think I need to improve on vocab and structure and language because I’m not that good at painting a clear picture nor linking my paragraphs well.
Punctuation: Alex is capable of strengthening his punctuation types used. Although he can use different punctuation types in his writing
Caring For Planet Earth
What is a greenhouse gas? Greenhouse gases are gases that are and can slowly
destroy our ozone layer, when it’s worn away we’ll be defenceless from the sun.
Two major greenhouse gases are methane and carbon dioxide.

Things that make greenhouse gases aren’t only buildings, cows do too! Imagine
that, one day the earth becomes completely uninhabitable- because of cow poop!
Even then, the main contributors to greenhouse gases aren’t cows or animals, the
species that makes the most is... us. You might think it’s because we make so
many factories but no, when we breathe in oxygen and breathe out again we
release carbon dioxide which is 81% of the world’s greenhouse gas.

One way to stop making as much greenhouse gas is to lower the amount of
factories (It’s not like we could ask everyone in the world to stop breathing).
Another is to lower the amount of livestock in the world, because one day, due
to overpopulation, they might be even bigger contributors than us!

The ozone layer being destroyed might not sound like much, since it’s not a
huge problem yet. But the ozone layer shields us from the sun, and if the ozone
layer is destroyed the ice in Antarctica will melt so the sea levels will rise due
to there being a huge influx of water. If sea levels rise the land will sink, since
we need land to survive we’ll suddenly be slowly pushed together and fights
between neighboring and foreign countries will break out.

Although the ozone layer is healing, who’s to say that it won’t be permanently
damaged in ten years? Pollution will always be around, so try to make it as small
as possible.