This week for my can do slot I chose to do Free Rice, for it you must answer questions and with every question answered ten grains of rice are donated to the World Food Programme to help fight hunger. I managed to answer 54 questions without getting any incorrect, I got up to level 18 on the English vocabulary section.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 31 August 2017
This week for my other slot on the must do task list I chose to read a book on Raz-Kids, for Raz-Kids you have to read books and answer questions to earn stars which you can spend on upgrades for your robot or furniture for your spaceship.
Technology In Schools - Yes Or No?
LI Having a point of view and constructing an argument.
LI Structure of an argument.
This week for writing Mr Ogilvies group's had to write an argument on whether or not we wanted technology in schools, this whole thing was completely hypothetical. I decided to make mine against having technology in schools, even though I was using technology to write and record my argument.
I did this by thinking about all of the bad things that technology can do to students while they're in school and also by using FlipGrid to record.
This is my argument: (If you can't hear me properly)
I did this by thinking about all of the bad things that technology can do to students while they're in school and also by using FlipGrid to record.
This is my argument: (If you can't hear me properly)
In the olden days people used blackboards and textbooks, they could practise their handwriting any time they wanted to. Because of that fact they had very good handwriting and also they learnt how make their words join together. Now that there are technological systems that you can just press a button to write a letter on, the handwriting of the newest generation won’t be nearly as good as the former unless they practise their handwriting. Another thing about technological systems being in schools is the fact that the students may use them for the wrong reasons during their learning time, and there’s another problem too. When the students grow older and suddenly their power and internet cuts out it’ll be like the end of the world for them, the reason for this is because they’d be so used to using their technology. So in my opinion there shouldn’t be technology in school. I’m not saying that technology is really bad and that you shouldn’t use it because if an accident happens then someone could just call emergency services using a phone and that might save the life of the person.
Link to argumentsKiwi Sport
This week for Kiwi Sport group B learnt about the proper ways of jumping, we also played octopus and practised our scissor action jumping. For the practising of our jumping we had to do scissor action jumps over the lines on the court. When we tried out jumping over the small high jump bar Julian wanted his nearly all the way to the top, and he actually jumped over it. We learnt that you mus have bent knees, a fast run up, high arms and left arm left leg right leg right arm or the other way around depending on what side you run from.
Kiwi Sport
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can LS1 group B learnt about emotions, we also played three games. The first one was called Hand circle, for it we had to get into a circle on our stomach's and put our right hands over the person next to us's left hand. Next someone smacked their hand on the floor and the person who's hand was the closest had to smack their on the floor and so on, but if someone smacked their hand on the floor before it was their turn then they had to put that hand behind their back. The next game we played was Bip, Bop, Bounce again. For it you have to get into a circle and someone stands in the middle, the person in the middle has to try and say bip, bop, bounce before the person that they're pointing at could say bang. If the person could say bang then they were safe but if they weren't quick enough then they were out and had to sit down, the person in the middle could also just say bip and if the person they were pointing at said bang the person that said bang was out. The last game we played was one where we had to guess the meaning of four photo's on a piece of paper, there were ten pieces of paper that were scattered across the room.
Kiwi Can
Poem Conversation
LI to identify purposes for poems.
LI to identify characteristics of poems.
This week for inquiry the poetry group had to write their own poems, we could choose from Diamante, Cinquain, Limerick and Haiku. I chose to do Haiku, those who finished their poems quickly were allowed to do either a Haiku battle or a Haiku conversation. I chose to do a Haiku conversation with Julian, we didn't actually video it but we still wrote the Haiku's. We also had to add seasonal and emotional references.
We did this by using the emotions written on the whiteboard and also by thinking about what would go with anger.
LI to identify characteristics of poems.
This week for inquiry the poetry group had to write their own poems, we could choose from Diamante, Cinquain, Limerick and Haiku. I chose to do Haiku, those who finished their poems quickly were allowed to do either a Haiku battle or a Haiku conversation. I chose to do a Haiku conversation with Julian, we didn't actually video it but we still wrote the Haiku's. We also had to add seasonal and emotional references.
We did this by using the emotions written on the whiteboard and also by thinking about what would go with anger.
I’m aggravated,
I feel like smashing someone
They are like snowflakes.
If they anger you,
Hesitate to assault them.
Cool off in the snow.
Refrain from hurting,
They shall remember the pain
Hide the hate in snow.
I shall not hurt them,
I feel exquisitely calm.
I’ll watch snowflakes fall.
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Possum Opinion Poster - Keep or Kill?
LI to separate fact from opinion.
LI to identify the main ideas in a text.
This week for reading everyone in Mr Ogilvies groups had to decide on whether or not they wanted Possum's in New Zealand. I chose to say that Possum's shouldn't be in New Zealand because they kill native animals and plants, they can also spread diseases to other animals. I learnt lots of facts about Possums, did you know that there are roughly thirty million of them in New Zealand to this day?
I learnt this by researching on many websites, the Possum picture and the Ice Age picture were free to use and the cartoon Possum was given to me by Jack.
LI to identify the main ideas in a text.
This week for reading everyone in Mr Ogilvies groups had to decide on whether or not they wanted Possum's in New Zealand. I chose to say that Possum's shouldn't be in New Zealand because they kill native animals and plants, they can also spread diseases to other animals. I learnt lots of facts about Possums, did you know that there are roughly thirty million of them in New Zealand to this day?
I learnt this by researching on many websites, the Possum picture and the Ice Age picture were free to use and the cartoon Possum was given to me by Jack.
Friday, 25 August 2017
Poetry Poster
LI: To identify vocabulary and language features for use in writing a poem about feelings.
This week for inquiry I learnt about poetry, there are many types of poetry and some examples are Haiku and Cinquain. A Haiku is a poem that is usually related to the seasons, it has three lines, doesn’t rhyme and the syllables for it must go 5 on sentence 1, 7 for sentence 2 and 5 again for sentence three. A Cinquain is a poem that first must have a noun as the title, two adjectives, three ing words, a phrase and a synonym. A Cinquain has five sentences.
We about these by watching the videos and reading the examples.
Thursday, 24 August 2017
This week for my other slot I read a book on Raz-Kids, for Raz-Kids you read books and get stars. With those stars you can buy things to add to your spaceship and robot.
This week for commenting I commented on Jack's blog, if you'd like to see his post or his blog here's the link to his blog.

3D Shape Net Planning
LI: To create my own 3D shape with a different capacity from volume.
For this week's task we had to select a shape, draw a plan for it to be made with cardboard and find out how much volume and capacity the shape will have (volume/capacity have to be different). We also had to draw a schedule and write down what days we would do things and what days we were going to finish that part.
We did this by thinking of what shape we were going to do and also by drawing a rough example of the shape to measure and count the volume.
P.O.V (Point Of View)
LI What is the difference between fact and opinion.
LI What is a point of view.
For this week's task everyone in my group had to write two paragraphs on a topic of their choice, once we'd finished the paragraphs we then had o go on Point Of View charts and write what our point of view was on the chosen topic of the group member. I chose to do my argument on medical treatment, Sakina chose to do candy in school, Jack chose to do plagiarising, Nyjah chose to do school trips and Julian chose to do his on dirty houses.
We did this by sharing two things to each other, they were the point of view charts and the google document with the paragraphs.
Kiwi Sport
This week for Kiwi Sport we learnt about jumping techniques, we learnt that we should: Bend our knees, swing arms forward when jumping and knees in line with shoulders etc. We did three things, one was the Rock, Paper, Scissors semicircle. For it we had to do two foot take offs and two foot landings on some pads that were arranged in a semicircle, the idea of the game was to beat everyone who came on the pads using Rock, Paper, Scissors. Another game we played was a "Jumping relay" where we were split into four lines and had to jump as far as we could and then the next person had to start from where you finished and jump as far as they could etc, the team that got the furthest won. The last game we played was octopus.
Kiwi Sport
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can we learnt about our emotions, our topic for this term is resilience. We also played two games, for one of them we had to split up into four groups and make a circle in our groups once we also had to spread our legs out a bit. Once we'd made our circles we had to wait for Mr Malu to say 'Go!' and then we had to try and get a tennis ball through the other people's legs. For the second game we had to make a giant circle and we also got a new number, when a number was called out the people who's number that was called out had to go into the middle of the circle and then the people that made the circle had to use a ball to hit the people in the middle (not too hard). If the people in the middle survived they won, but nobody survived and we only had enough time to call two numbers.
Kiwi Can
Fact & opinion - The mystery men
LI to separate fact from opinion.
LI to identify the main ideas in a text.
For this week's task I had to watch a video and write down four facts and four opinions. Once I'd done that I then had to do a main idea summary frame, for it we had to write down what I thought the main idea of the video was, 2 examples of supporting detail and if the main idea is clear.
I did this by watching the video several times just to double/triple check the facts and opinions.
Link to video
I think the main idea is That Shoveler is trying to convince his team to fight the good fight with Casanova.
One example of a supporting detail is the fact that Shoveler said that they were the cavalry and they needed to save the city.
Another example of a supporting detail is because Shoveler said that champion city needs them.
It is clear that the main idea is Shoveler is trying to convince his team to fight Casanova.
Because he said a really good speech and also said that if they didn’t fight they were as good as dead.
Friday, 18 August 2017
This week for my other slot on the must do task list I did Raz-Kids. For it you have to read books and answer questions, if you do that you get a certain amount of stars which you can spend on upgrading you robot to make it look cool and you can also design your own spaceship by buying the furniture with stars.
This week for Kiwican we learnt about self discipline, we then played a game that required good self discipline. The game was called Bip Bop Bounce, for it someone stands in the middle of a circle and they have to point at someone and try to say bip bop bounce before they person could say bounce. The person in the middle could also just say bounce and if the person they were point at said bounce they were out, so basically if the person in the middle just said bounce then you were supposed to not say anything. After that we did G.K.Q, we were asked questions like what is the fastest animal alive.
Kiwi Can
Tables Conga
This week I did the eight times tables on tables conga. If you don’t know this is how you play it, you can select what times table you want to do by scrolling down the page and clicking the different times tables. So for the game you must collect the numbers from the times table that you’ve chosen in order, there are also X’s they follow a direct path on the map and enter through the bottom right corner on the map every few seconds.
LI to create our own advertisement.
For this week’s task I had to work in my group to create an advertisement, but before we could create it we think about things that people use for advertising, what we’d be advertising and what the name of the product would be. We chose to advertise a stationary set, we decided to call it the stationary value pack. When we made the video we had to try and use as many of the advertising techniques that we wrote down, after we’d recorded the video Jack edited it and added subtitles.
We did this by using wevideo for the recording, my stationary and pencil case for the stationary value pack and also by using the health nurse's room next to LS1.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Through the hoops - Game Design
LI to create a game which would encourage building characteristics from previous lessons.
This week for inquiry I had to make a group of four and work with them to make a game, for the game we made you basically have to throw a fox tail through some hoops that we roll around. There were many things wrong with our game but the main one was the fact that it wasn't cooperative, you could be the best shot and get all of the hoops and not need a team. Mr Ogilvie then changed it so it was a cooperative game, he made it that four people stood in a square holding hula hoops and one person had to try and get the fox tail through all of the hoops, they could do this by counting down for the people with hoops to roll their hoops. Nobody in this inquiry group managed to get the fox tail through all of the hoops.
We thought of the game by looking remembering some games the we'd played before as examples, although we forgot that it had to be a cooperative game.
This week for inquiry I had to make a group of four and work with them to make a game, for the game we made you basically have to throw a fox tail through some hoops that we roll around. There were many things wrong with our game but the main one was the fact that it wasn't cooperative, you could be the best shot and get all of the hoops and not need a team. Mr Ogilvie then changed it so it was a cooperative game, he made it that four people stood in a square holding hula hoops and one person had to try and get the fox tail through all of the hoops, they could do this by counting down for the people with hoops to roll their hoops. Nobody in this inquiry group managed to get the fox tail through all of the hoops.
We thought of the game by looking remembering some games the we'd played before as examples, although we forgot that it had to be a cooperative game.
Unfolding 3D shapes
LI to turn a 3D shape into a 2D shape.
This week for maths I learnt about nets, in maths terms a net is a 3D shape that has been unfolded. The task we had to do was unfold three 3D shapes, and for at least one of them we had to measure the length of its sides and use that to unfold it, but for the others we could just draw the outline. Once we'd drawn the outline we had to check and see if for the shape that was what it actually looked like unfolded.
I did this by imagining the shape unfolded, using a ruler to measure the lengths of the shape and also by tracing the shape that I was unfolding.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Fact or opinion
LI to separate fact from opinion.
This week we learnt about fact and opinion, and also how to find which was which. A fact is something that is true and you can prove it by researching it using a book, computer or anything that will tell you about it. An opinion can be a fact because in the olden times people believed that the sun rotated around earth, and in someone’s opinion it was the other way around but people didn’t believe him so they thought it was his opinion. For the task I had to find a buddy and work with them to find four facts and four opinions from the link below. I buddied up with Jack.
We did this by watching the video several times, conferring with each other to make sure that the sentences in the fact or opinion boxes were actually facts and opinions.
Link to videoFriday, 11 August 2017
Scaling Shapes
LI to scale shapes bigger or smaller.
This week we learnt about scaling, when you scale something you either increase its size or decrease its size (Bigger/Smaller). For the task we had to draw four four sided irregular polygons and then we had to get someone from a different maths group to scale the shapes, I worked with Aung Naing.
I also did an audio recording to go with the slideshow.
This week we learnt about scaling, when you scale something you either increase its size or decrease its size (Bigger/Smaller). For the task we had to draw four four sided irregular polygons and then we had to get someone from a different maths group to scale the shapes, I worked with Aung Naing.
We did this by using a ruler to scale the shape properly and also by using wevideo to record my slideshow.
I also did an audio recording to go with the slideshow.
Thursday, 10 August 2017
Kiwi Sport
Today for Kiwi Sport LS1 group B did three activities. For one of them we had to race other classmates, we were told that if we pointed our feet forward and leaned forward our heel on the back foot would go up. We also played a game where we were told four things, one space was here, another space was there, another space was where and everywhere meant to just run around all over the place. In the game once here, there, where or everywhere was called we had to move into the rectangle/run around. The last activity we did was one where we had a partner and also had a cone behind us. The main aim of this activity was to improve our reaction time because as soon as Andy clapped we had to turn around, run to grab the cone and sprint back to the line. If we beat our partner to the line then the side of the line that we were on got a point, the team with the most points in the end won.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
LI to identify the characteristics of a good team
LI to identify the characteristics of a good team member
For this activity we had to go into five groups, in these groups we then had to write down examples of how we meet people on one padlet and how relationships can change on another padlet. I was in group one, and in it we came up with many examples on both padlets.
We did this by saying our ideas and also by helping each other out if they needed help to explain it more.
Tables Conga
In this game there are X’s and if you touch them you’ll be eliminated, to win the game you must collect all of the correct numbers of the times table that you chose to do. I chose to do the nine times table.
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi can we were learning about the effect of emotions. Our first activity was Selfie in it we had to act an emotion out and hold up a stick in front of us, the team that failed at doing the emotion was eliminated. The next activity we did was one where we had to sort out a bunch of emotions on paper, we took three tries before we finally got the order of them correctly.
Kiwi Can
For this I commented on Jack’s blogpost about his infographic work, I had to use encouragement, a greeting, positive attitude, ask a question, use past tense and also make a connection.
Skimming & Scanning
LI to identify the main ideas in a text.
For this activity I had to create an infographic about skimming and scanning. We were given an example of what skimming and scanning would be if they weren’t for reading, the examples were a helicopter for scanning and an aeroplane for skimming. After I’d finished my infographic I then decided to make another example of skimming and scanning.
I did this by using my general knowledge to write down what skimming and scanning were and why the examples were helicopters and aeroplanes and also by using google shapes for creating the examples.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Advertising Evaluation
LI we are learning to be able to identify what makes an effective advert.
For this activity I had to go into partner or be by myself, I chose to partner up with Jack. After we’d partnered up we then had to watch/read 5 advertisements and then answer some questions about them. Some examples of the questions are: Who do you think the intended buyer is?, What kind of advert is it? And what words do they use to sell the product?
We did this by reading and watching the videos properly to try not to miss anything and also by thinking about the questions to try and make sure we answered them fully.
Name of product
Who do you think the intended buyer is?
People that need a refreshment, and people who like coca cola.
What kind of advert is it?
TV Radio Magazine Poster
| |
How do they try to persuade you to buy it?
With pictures
With words
With music
With questions
With jokes
With catchphrases
With jingles
Other: ____________________
Do you think it is a good advert?
Yes No
Because it grabs people's attention
Would you buy the product? Yes No
Because coca cola tastes nice and also because it’s a fizzy drink and fizzy drinks have lots of sugar.
| |
Do you think the advert is honest? Yes No
No because there’s no possible way of what the polar bears had done in the ad.
| |
What words do they use to sell the product?
Monday, 7 August 2017
Summarising Duck Overboard Article
L.I. To look for keywords and phrases
L.I. To identify the main ideas in the text
L.I. To identify the main ideas in the text
For this task I had to summarise an article called duck overboard, the article is about a bunch of plastic toys that were lost overboard when a storm hit the boat that was transporting them. The plastic toys then travelled around the world only being pushed by the ocean currents, an oceanographer called Curtis Ebbesmeyer realised how good these plastic toys would be for charting the ocean’s currents. Since then there has been a $100 reward for finding one of those toys. The toys have travelled far and wide from Australia and even to Antarctica!
I did this by reading the article, answering the questions and using skimming and scanning to find all of the relevant information.
Summarising the Main Idea
Good readers notice key words. Here are some clues to help you find key words:
- Key words are directly connected to the topic
- Key words are often repeated in the title and the text
- A key word helps you to remember an important idea
Use this table to help you summarise the main ideas in a text in your own words. It is important that you use your own words to show your understanding and to avoid plagiarism. If you don’t know what some words mean, look them up.
Keywords from the title
Keywords from subheadings
New words I need to look up
Read the text and record key words/phrases that answer these questions:
Storm knocks plastic ducks overboard.
In the ocean & countries all over the world.
January 1992.
Curtis Ebbesmeyer.
To chart the ocean currents.
The ocean current push the ducks all around the world.
Now using the words you wrote down summarise the text in 25 words or less.
A storm spilt thousands of plastic toys into the ocean, since then the ducks have travelled all around the world and helped chart ocean currents.
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