On your blog, tell us who you think the government should put on the new $10 note. Please provide us with a picture of this amazing woman and a short explanation of why you have selected her as Kate Sheppard’s replacement.

The New Zealander that I chose to replace Kate Sheppard on the $10 note is Jean Batten because, like Kate Sheppard, she was a pioneer and her achievements might've showed that women can do the same as men.
On your blog, share your short story. We can’t wait to read it!
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far in the past, there lived a powerful knight. One day, the king called him forth to issue a quest "My daughter's been kidnapped by monsters, etc... go save her". The knight (Whose name was Arthur McNugget) hurriedly sped off on his horse, eager to rescue the princess and claim the 10,000 gold piece reward.
An hour later, Arthur had arrived at the monster's den. As he slowly crept inside, he began to smell a sickening odour coming from one passageway- so he went that way. Upon seeing a group of hobgoblins huddled around the corpse of a boar, Arthur drew his broadsword and began hacking the monsters down.
After finishing the last of the hobgoblins, he ventured deeper into the cave- only this time, he came across a huge room full of dead animals. A massive nest made out of bones, hay and skin gave the room a feel of looming danger. Arthur quickly charged right at the nest, leaping over the side and driving his sword straight into... wait- why wasn't he moving? He was stuck in the air, wondering what was happening, until his body exploded.
For this activity, choose a book that you like and write a short review of it. In the review, tell us what the book is about and what you like about it.
On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book.
The book that I chose is called Hotel Kerobokan, it's about a prison in Bali where hundreds of killers, drug dealers, and other criminals serve time. I like it because although it's set in a prison, the author includes interesting things like the amount of corruption inside the jail.
Morena Alex,
ReplyDeleteAgain, it is so great to see that you’ve done the programme! We were a little bit worried that you weren’t going to complete it this year as we saw you weren’t posting. But to our surprise you hopped on yesterday and completed all 60 activities- kai pai!
I really enjoyed reading reading your short story about a knight called Arthur McNugget who was on a ‘quest’ to find the King’s daughter. You are a fantastic writer Alex, while I was reading this I followed it the whole way through.
You used some incredible descriptive words throughout the whole short story. I really like how you described the odour as ‘sickening’. ‘
The end of your story is an absolute cliffhanger! I absolutely loved this! I would love to read the sequel! Why did Arthur McNugget explode? Who made his explode? What happened to the King’s daughter?
Talking about activity number 3, I have now added this book to my ‘good reads’ ‘to read’ list. Good reads is an app on your phone that tracks all the books that you read or the books that you want to read. You can also see your friends lists. You should try it out.
This book looks SO interesting! I read a book about another prison in South America. It seems really similar to that book, especially since your book talks about the corruption inside the prison.
Keep up the awesome work! Keen to hear back from you :)
Blog you later!