This week for 5 - 7 - 10 we were given a photo of a "tunnel" made out of wood or vine, I chose to make my short descriptive narrative a first person story about someone running around a forest. Since the main point of our stories are to create descriptions of not only the character but the area around them too, I needed to think of many was to describe.
There I was, stumbling blindly around the forest, without a care in the world as I rushed through a spiderweb and leaped over a log. I was dressed in my best ‘adventuring’ clothes, head to toe with camo coloured gear. It seemed like I’d been running for hours. A while later I accidentally tripped over my own feet and landed before what looked like a tunnel. It wasn’t really a tunnel but it resembled one because of a transparent blue tinged casing, which made it look like a tube. Filled with curiosity I slowly walked up to it and reached my hand out... Bzzt! I was thrown back, and forcibly slammed into a thick oak tree.