LI to identify and adapt a piece of technology
For this I had to go into group of three people, I went into a group with Jack and Julian. Once we’d made a group we then had to think of three things that were either technological systems or technological pieces that were in your house or school, community or in the world. We then had to do B.R.A.I.N (Benefits, Risks, Alternatives, Initiatives and Next/Nothing), for benefits we had to think of all of the advantages that came with that piece of technology or technological system. For risks we had to think of everything that could cause injury from the item we chose. For alternatives we then had to think of some things that would do the same thing as the item we chose. For initiatives we had to think of all of the change we could make to the item. For next or nothing we had to decide if we could change the item or if we couldn’t.
I did this by choosing three items with my group and thinking of all of the things we could write down for B.R.A.I.N. I also used the google shapes to create the pictures of the system and pieces.