Today a man named Johnny from Rhythm Interactive came over and taught the entire school some drumming sequences. The theme of his lessons were "Together we can make a change". Johnny would drum a beat and then we'd need to copy what he'd done, he said that his teaching method is "If you can said it, you can play it". LS2 was helping the junior students keep to the beat. Johnny gave us all small djembe to drum with and at the end because we answered some questions correctly, our school won seven drums. I enjoyed the session because I got to play some music on a drum for an hour. If you'd like to see Rhythm Interactive's site the link is here.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Rhythm Interactive's Visit To PBS
Today a man named Johnny from Rhythm Interactive came over and taught the entire school some drumming sequences. The theme of his lessons were "Together we can make a change". Johnny would drum a beat and then we'd need to copy what he'd done, he said that his teaching method is "If you can said it, you can play it". LS2 was helping the junior students keep to the beat. Johnny gave us all small djembe to drum with and at the end because we answered some questions correctly, our school won seven drums. I enjoyed the session because I got to play some music on a drum for an hour. If you'd like to see Rhythm Interactive's site the link is here.
PBS 2019,
Rhythm Interactive
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Yesterday a woman called Chloe from the Royal New Zealand Ballet company came over to teach LS2 how to dance. We started off with some foot stretches and were then taught a dance sequence from the show Black Swan, White Swan which is a take on the classsic Swan Lake. Our teach Chloe told us that we should "Commit to the movement to get the best effect". For one of the parts that we did we needed to lie on our backs with our legs and one hand in the air and pretend to be a swan. Thank you to Chloe and Fiona for teaching us and setting this whole thing up.
Last week at tech my group was learning about algorithms, tinkering and creating. Algorithms are rules or steps that our robots needed to follow, we needed to tinker with the code to achieve the objective and we needed to create the different things that we wanted our robots to do. Our challenges that week were to make our robots move in a square and a circle, I finished both quickly and then spent the rest of my time making the robot move smoothly. The program that we used to code our robots is called mblock.
Tamaki College,
Drawing Session
On Friday last week after tech Jack, Nyjah and I went over to Summerville Special School to teach teachers there how to do google drawings and animations. We showed them the DLO that we'd created to help teach them how to draw and animate as well as some examples of drawings and animations that we'd done.
Digital Drawing,
Monday, 17 June 2019
Waltzing Matilda
Today during reading Matthew and I were working together to find the main idea of and summarise the story Waltzing Matilda, it's about a swag man or worker who steals a sheep and gets chased by policemen only to jump into a waterhole to escape. We were unpacking the language and learning about what life was like in the 1890s.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Student Led Conferences
Alex 2019,
Mrs Anderson,
Student Led Conferences
Strengthening Connections To Maths Language
Today for maths we were learning about maths vocabulary, as an example we needed to think of all the different greetings that people use, from hi to namaste and even slang like gidday. Afterwards we needed to fill in a table with the maths related words next to it, in order to decide on where the words should go Te Pounamu, Joseph and I talked to each other and recorded our conversation with screencastify.
Maths Language,
Friday, 7 June 2019
Tech At Tamaki College
Today in tech my group were using makeblock robots to do complete coding tasks, we needed to make music, control our robot using the arrow keys and make it flash red and blue lights. I finished the tasks faster than the others since I've coded with robots before. The code given in the book for making music resembled the Happy birthday song and since I was finished first I was able to move onto the other tasks earlier.

Alex 2019,
Tamaki College,
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Literary Devices
Here is the link to my DLO
This week LS2 have been learning about the literary devices because we're going to be looking at poetry soon. As a challenge Mrs Anderson asked us to create a DLO on the literary devices by only using google documents, I found the task hard since I'm used to creating google drawings. There are six different literary devices; Similes, Metaphors, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Hyperbole and Personification.
This week LS2 have been learning about the literary devices because we're going to be looking at poetry soon. As a challenge Mrs Anderson asked us to create a DLO on the literary devices by only using google documents, I found the task hard since I'm used to creating google drawings. There are six different literary devices; Similes, Metaphors, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Hyperbole and Personification.
Alex 2019,
Literary Devices,
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