
Friday 20 October 2017

School Production Recount

LI to: Create and mark a recount.
This week for writing all of Mr Ogilvies groups had to write a recount about the school production that happened in term three, we also had to mark the other group member's writing. For my recount I started off before we knew that we were going to do the production and ended as soon as the first of the real performances was happening. Once I'd finished my recount I went back and tried to fix as many mistakes as I could. The next day when we had to mark each other's recounts my group just passed our Chromebooks in a circle making it easier to mark everyone's, that day the four people who's writing was rated the highest out of the groups were rated by other groups. And now today their writing was rated by Mr Ogilvie. With my writing I need to make sure that I: Use better punctuation, organise my paragraphs better and make sure my sentences have a good structure. I did good on: Spelling high frequency words, using good vocabulary and also my ideas.
School Production
When I first heard about the production I was extremely nervous, I don’t like dancing in front of other people. And so when we first walked into the hall to meet our dance teacher Zoey and had to get into different groups all I wanted was to be surrounded by people I knew. I’d thought that we were going to choose our dances but to my astonishment I found that our dances had already been picked for us. The group that I was in had been chosen to use the Gangnam Style dance. Since we were the first group to be picked we were also the first group to practice and during that time we mostly just stepped on each other’s toes. Once we’d finished our practice we were allowed to leave the hall to get on with some work, therefore I wasn’t able to see any of the other groups’ dances.

It was the next week and once again I was nervous, not only because I didn’t like dancing but also because I didn’t like my toes being stepped on! We learnt some new moves and did more practicing, and to my surprise we even came to the point where nobody stepped on any toes. That week we were videoed and the very next day we had to use the video to practice. It took many weeks of practicing and polishing but we finally managed to get our dance right. It was quite the celebration for the group and we were all content with ourselves as we watched others practice their moves too.

Finally the much dreaded time had come or so I thought, we were merely touching the tip of the iceberg because the performance we did at first was only matinee, the real first performance was later on. And even on that performance I almost screwed up! Luckily I managed to quickly rearrange myself and finished the dance. We had been told before to go into a specific spot once we’d finished our dance and so we quickly walked there. We then watched as the other groups completed their dances as well. As soon as the harlem shake group finished their dance everyone had to rush forward in lines and, well do the harlem shake. We also had to do mexican waves twice with our hands and twice with our bodies. After that we did another thing where we basically had to punch the air around us, as soon as we’d finished punching around us twice we then had to do the harlem shake again until one point in the music where we just flopped to the floor.

Hours later:

The time had come, we were all on the stage. It was the first big performance night. The lights turned on, cameras flashed, people anxiously waited and then the music started...

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