
Tuesday 24 March 2015

Chocolate Crackles Recipe

How To Make Chocolate Crackles


4 cups of Rice Bubbles
1 cup of icing sugar
1 cup of coconut
3 tablespoons of cocoa
250 grams of kremelta
Paper baking cups

  1. Melt the kremelta in a saucepan over a stove or in a microwave.
  2. Place the baking cups on a plate.
  3. Pour 4 cups of rice bubbles into a bowl.
  4. Measure one cup of icing sugar and pour it in the bowl.
  5. Measure one cup of coconut and pour it into the bowl.
  6. Measure the cocoa and pour it in the bowl.
  7. Pour the melted kremelta and pour it in the bowl.
  8. Stir the ingredients together.
  9. Spoon the Chocolate Crackles mixture into the baking cups.
  10. Refrigerate the Chocolate Crackles for three hours.
  11. Take the Chocolate Crackles and eat them.


Serving: 50
Room seven has been learning on how to write a procedure a procedure is a list of instructions that tell you what to do.(It's a bit like when your Mum tells you to brush your teeth that is a instruction and when you do it you've just done a procedure for doing something that you've been instructed to do)

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